Category Archives: Novels

Boone’s Great Dilemma

Boone’s Great Dilemma

Understand Boone has mentioned this ‘dilemma’ he’s obsessed with several times and he’s not the only one to talk about it. Terra, Pryce, and Mace have talked about it as well.

Here’s the dilemma but a little explanation beforehand is needed. If you’ll take a look at the star-map of Abdomanon, you’ll see the seven systems are spread out. Keep in mind these solar systems; Kova, Pereon, Arkitrosis, Peridius, Obipherion, Xeraxes, and Axeon are huge star systems within themselves. For instance, take the 5th system, Obipherion, and realize it alone may have a dozen planets. Obipherion itself has 6 moons! Travel between these star systems is very active. Transports are carrying cargo, scientists are doing their thing, and in general, people are traveling.

The routes between these systems are called ‘spatial corridors’ and malicious and evil people are taking advantage of slower weaker vessels. That’s called pirating and Boone feels compelled to do something about it. After all, the High Guard can’t keep up with the demand to protect these spatial corridors and one pirate has taken the initiative to organize other well-known successful pirates and coordinate specific attacks on easy targets. Boone wants to do some pirate hunting.

One big problem is the danger and drama that goes with traveling the spatial corridors – sometimes death and devastation await. Boone is having a dreadful time allowing his friends and allies to be in harms way. He wants to do it all himself, alone, and protect them from it. Also, deep down, he doesn’t want to be a part of it either but Terra summed it up best at the end of Book 2 – Boone Nova and the 5th Prime.

Here is a conversation Boone had with Pryce about Boone’s dilemma from Book 3 – Boone Nova and the Nano Device.

Pryce took the cot across from him, sat down, and leaned up against the back wall.

Pryce explained, “I know you don’t want to talk to me. I also realize you think what I did was stupid. But, I just did what you always do. You always want to lead. You always want to be the one to put yourself before everyone else. Well, Boone, not today! How’s it feel?”

Boone glared at Pryce for his rebuke. He cocked his head and gave him a rude smirk. “I’m not ready to talk about this.”

Pryce insisted, “I ‘am’ going to talk about this… until you get right in your head!”

As Boone glared at Pryce, he folded his arms across his chest and let out a heavy sigh. His expression was one of disbelief.

Boone asked him, “I’m not right in the head? You’re in my puny shuttle, flying straight at two Class 1 space gunners and a Class 2 gunship! I’m not right in the head?”

Pryce chuckled. “Well, if you put it like that, I see your point.”

Pryce nonchalantly tossed a chocolate crunchy piece in his mouth and sucked on it. He returned Boone’s glare with one of his own.

Pryce added, “But, that’s basically what you did with Cumi Bak-Suna. It’s what you’ve always done only this time I was the one to do it. And besides, it was that puny little shuttle of yours that took out fourteen space gunners on Isoter.” Pryce paused to let it all sink in but Boone was the most stubborn person he’d even known. He took out another snack and popped it in his mouth. Pryce added, “Willa and Galen. Those were their names. Galen’s ship blew up. That was you, Mace and Jona are still following Willa.”

Pryce watched him, to see if his attitude was changing. It wasn’t. Pryce continued, “Yes, I was flying into them but they were flying side-by-side and they could not bear upon me without banging into each other! So, Boone! Mister high and mighty, mister know it all, I was the one who out-witted them.”

Boone blared, “So, you think you’re smart now? You know, Pryce? My shuttle is not armored?” He screamed as his eyes moistened again, “One hit to the cockpit, you’d be dead right now! That’s why my head’s not right!”

Pryce said, “Oh, it’s only OK if ‘you’ do it! But if one of us try to do it, oh then, there must be something wrong with us. Why don’t you fight with Mace and Jona? They jetted out and went after those three space gunners?”

Pryce huffed. He grabbed a few of the chocolate treats and shove them in his mouth with disgust. Boone sighed again and picked up a small box of the treats and opened it. He cocked his head as if to think about the matter.

Boone replied, “You know, you’re right? It is OK… when I do that. But, it’s not OK when you or Mace or Jona or Terra do it. It’s OK if something happens to me.” Boone gazed at Pryce and quenched a tear before it had a chance. He added, “If something were to happen to one of you, I don’t think I could take the loss.”

Pryce’s chewing drastically slowed as he realized something. He let his head gently rest on the wall behind him. Pryce then realized something. “Oh, I see. I know what this is about.” Boone glanced from the box of treats to Pryce. They were entering a subject Boone had no interest in talking about. “This is about your parents. You still think you’ve lost them, or should I say, they think they’ve lost you. Boone, we all have each other. That is all we have now! I can’t even go back there!” he exclaimed. He raised his arms in contempt. “We don’t want to lose anyone! Not Mace, Jona, me, you! We’re all the same, Boone, so you’re not by yourself! You’re not the only one that feels like that!”

Pryce paused and watched. He noticed the tear forming. “But, we sure do work well together and that’s the whole thing, Boone. Together! We stay together. We work together. We all live… together.”

Boone was nodding his head up and down but disgusted about the danger. He was disgusted about the evil and many times, how they were always moments from death. Boone whispered, “We can’t stop doing both.”

Pryce squinted and tried to hear him. “What was that?”

Boone sighed. “Something Terra said to me before she left. That was before she left your ranch.” Boone looked up at him, quickly wiped at a swelling tear. He wiped it so fast, Pryce hardly saw it. “I told her I couldn’t do this anymore… this danger and drama. But, more than that, I can’t tolerate what’s happening to the innocent people.”

“Oh. What did she say?” Pryce asked.

She said, “I understand. I hate it too. The danger, the danger we face, needs to end. But, the violence and the bloodshed needs to end, too.” He paused and sighed, “She said we can’t stop doing both.”

Pryce frowned and nodded. “True. We can’t stop doing both. I say we stop the innocent bloodshed. I say we stop the violence going on. Especially out there in the spatial corridors. I know that’s what you’re thinking. Boone, listen. It’s your calling!” Boone was taken aback by the remark. He glared and gaped at Pryce, wanting to interrupt. But, he also needed to hear his friend out. “Boone, I don’t think you want to hear this but this is the truth. I don’t know of anyone who is better at this than you. Most people that do what you do are brash, cocky, stupid, foolish… you name it! And it gives a bad name to people like us. You have the best attitude. You hate doing it but it has to be done. Not everyone can do this and be successful but you’re the best at it. The more I think about it, Boone, I would say it’s your calling. I think the Lord has called you into all of this.”

Pryce put a few more treats in his mouth and chewed. He carefully watched Boone to see what he would say. It was true. Boone hated the danger but Boone excelled in fighting the evil. He struggled with the emotions from it all but he excelled in righteous attitude toward what needed to be done.

“You said some stupid things before, Pryce, but that…”

“Boone! Think about what you’re going to say before you say it. Think about everything I just said and tell me it’s not all true?” Pryce chewed some more, now engulfed in the tasty treats. He added, “Hey, one more thing, what happened today… with me being safe and you as well! I think it was all a miracle. I think He was watching over you.”

As Boone tries to deal with the dilemma, you’ll find doing the right thing is not always the easiest thing to do.

“Integrity is not just everything, it’s the only thing.”

The Struggle for Integrity

The Struggle for Integrity

Referencing Boone Nova and the 5th Prime novel – The Struggle for Integrity.


In my novel, Boone Nova and the 5th Prime – The Struggle for Integrity, Lorin – the prime’s daughter, makes an interesting point when confiding in Boone and how she was able to completely trust him. Boone, knowing he was nothing but a space bum, scavenger, junk dealing vagabond couldn’t comprehend the faith she had in him. After all, Boone doubted his own abilties and when it came to faith – he thought he was a failure. She told him during their adventure, “I don’t trust you because my father – the 5th Prime, trusts you, I trust you because what I hear you say matches up with what I see you do.”

She went on to explain: what Boone was on the outside, was also what Boone was on the inside! So many of us find that concept altogether unreachable. Regardless, we should examine ourselves to see if what we are inwardly matches up with what we are outwardly?

I’m not a doom and gloom pessimistic philosopher, I’m just a layman who believes that God has called every one of us to do something for Him. I’m trying to do my part. Having said that, Integrity has become an issue nowadays and I’d like to express what God has shown me.

Integrity is by definition; to exercise moral or ethical principles, to have character, to be honest, honorable or have virtue.

If you’re as observant as I am, the lack of integrity is prevalent everywhere! It doesn’t discriminate; blue collar – white collar, rich or poor, young and old, people lack integrity. Also, regardless of one’s religious preference, whether people say they are Christian, Protestant, Baptist, Muslim or anything else, people still lack integrity. I’ve seen all types of religious people say one thing and do another. Yes, I’ll have to include myself in that crowd as I am not perfect nor claim to be an expert in the area of integrity… but I strive for it.

Integrity is something we should all strive for and let’s go a step further, it should be something we’re conscious of every day and make it our goal to live a life of integrity. Wow, did I say that? Though you think it might be impossible, it should be our goal. Let’s take a look at how we’re doing in the area of integrity. Here are some questions to ponder. You determine how you’re doing.

  •  Do you believe integrity is important?
  • Do you need to exercise integrity ‘all of the time?’
  • Aren’t there exceptions?
  • Do you allow others to diminish your desire for integrity?
  • Do you ever ask yourself, ‘What’s the right thing to do?’
  • How often do you regret lacking in integrity?
  • Are you conscious about trying to do what’s right on a daily basis?

If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll realize where you stand in the area of integrity. Now add this to your thinking… integrity is something that God demands in us. That’s right! He doesn’t ever expect us to fully get there because that would be perfection. The only person I know of that was perfect was Jesus – God’s Son.

We will never be perfect in this temporal life but we’re expected to strive for it.

Verses to study:

KJV, Philippians 4:8,

“Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Luke 6:27-31

The entire Book of Proverbs!

As we see integrity lacking in our world today, let’s not be part of it. Take a stand today and begin a bible study on Integrity. There are millions of us out there who are doing just that, though you don’t hear much about it. You’ll see it and hear about it more as you grow in character.

Some great studies regarding character can be found in the Life of Joseph – in the Book of Genesis, the Three Hebrew Children in Babylon – Book of Daniel, and Daniel himself.

Also, keep an eye on Boone Nova as he finds himself in deep trials, stressful decisions, and difficult struggles. He is far from perfect but he is doing his best in the struggle for integrity.

Future Adventures for Boone Nova

Boone Nova and the 5th Prime – The Adventures of Boone Nova – Book 1  – The Struggle for Integrity.

Boone Nova and the 5th Prime is now available at and This will be a space adventure series with several books under the title, The Adventures of Boone Nova.

You’ll find the synopsis and more in the main menu under – Boone Nova and the 5th Prime.

Purchase Boone Nova and the 5th Prime here.

Boone Nova & the Gamma Weapon – The Adventures of Boone Nova – Book 2 –  The Battle for Integrity.    

You’ll find the synopsis and more in the main menu under – Boone Nova and the Gamma Weapon.

Purchase Boone Nova and the Gamma Weapon here.

Boone Nova and the Nano Device – The Adventures of Boone Nova – Book 3 – Web of Lies Available!!

Boone Nova and the Pirate Queen – The Adventures of Boone Nova – Book 4  – The Search for Truth  Spring 2017 – On Track!!

Look forward to the rough and tough, space gunner getting into all kinds of adventures!


The Gold Sphere Sequel?

cropped-GS+new+vers.jpgThe Gold Sphere: A Call for Wisdom (Origin of the Sphere’s Book 1) is my first, official upload to edition. July 1, 2014. Purchase The Gold Sphere here.

I say officially because I have submitted a novel and a few short stories before. I’ve even participated and placed in a few contests as well but those are minuscule compared to what I’ve done with this novel.

As any author would, I expected the novel to fly off the shelves in record-breaking fashion. But, as I feared… not! That’s OK. I enjoyed writing it and developing the characters and most of all, I poured my heart into it in hopes that it would touch someone’s heart more than it would benefit me financially.

Hence, will there be a sequel? Well, I’d love to write it. It’s all in my head and it’s just waiting to be penned. Only thing is, The Gold Sphere did not do well and I’m not sure anyone would be interested in a sequel. If there were a sequel, things would pick up right where I left them – your typical cliff-hanger.

‘The Dead Sphere,’ would be the sequel.

Please look for my other novels coming in the near future. Thank you for considering The Gold Sphere and my writings.

I could use your prayers!

You can find the synopsis on the main menu under; The Gold Sphere: A Call for Wisdom (Origin of the Sphere’s Book 1)

The Dead Sphere: A Call for Truth (Origin of the Sphere’s Book 2)

Due Date undetermined.
